Our lives can be pretty stressful. There is always something to worry about! From those last-minute assignments at work to that killer traffic jam on the way home, stress is everywhere. It’s no wonder anxiety is on the rise these days. Unfortunately, this isn’t just bad for our health. It can also affect our hair.
The answer is: Yes.
Continued stress and anxiety can cause the hair loss to continue leading to different patches of hair and baldness!
Are you living with stress or anxiety? Then there are many ways it can impact the health of your hair. So it’s time to learn about the results of stress on our locks – and how to stop it from happening.
Slow Hair Growth
Are you trying to grow out your pixie cut? Add a few extra inches to your long hair? This can be far more difficult when you’re under a lot of stress. If you’re overworked or you’ve just gone through a massive break-up, those events can wreak havoc on the health of your hair. One of the ways you’ll notice this is happening is with slow hair growth.
The hairs on your head are constantly growing. After a certain period of time, they reach a resting stage. When you’re under excessive stress, the resting stage can be triggered well before it normally would. This causes slow hair growth. The solution? Eat a healthy diet, make sure you’re getting enough Vitamin A, D, E and K, as well as getting plenty of iron and zinc. These steps can help speed up hair growth and offset this stress related symptom.
Temporary Hair Loss or Thinning Hair
Another way stress can affect your hair is through hair loss or thinning hair. When a stressful event happens – or you’re just experiencing high stress levels day after day – the health of your hair can take a major hit. One of the most common ways this shows up is through hair loss or thinning hair. Stress can cause medical issues like alopecia areata and telogen effluvium to occur. The first can cause hair to fall out in clumps, while the latter causes hair to weaken or thin slowly over time.
How can you combat these problems? To start with, make sure you’re getting enough vitamins. A healthy diet and lifestyle can positively impact the strength and overall health of your hair. Then, add in the right products. Hair care products like the Nioxin Scalp and Hair Care System 4 Kit For Noticeably Thinning, Fine, Chemically Treated Hair (or the system for natural hair!) can add fullness to your hair. Perfect for stressful times!
Dry or Itchy Scalp
There is nothing as irritating as having a dry and itchy scalp. Flakes are never friends! The culprit may not be extreme weather or genetics. It could have something to do with the amount of stress you are having in your life. When stress levels are high, your scalp’s barrier function changes. Stress releases hormones that lead to a dry, flaky, and itchy scalp.
Thankfully, there is a solution to this problem. Finding ways to add moisture back into your scalp will help offset all of that dryness. The key is to use the right products. Something like the Nioxin Scalp Recovery Kit will give your scalp the moisture it needs in keeping flakes at bay.
Dull or Lifeless Locks
Has your hair been looking a little blah lately? It may have to do with all of the pressure you’ve been under! Stress has often been linked to dull, lifeless locks. Yes, when stress is a part of your everyday life, it can cause your hair to look dull or even feel brittle. This is because we tend to forget about eating properly and working out when times get tough. That can directly impact the health of our hair.
The solution? Focus on adding more protein into your diet and of course, be smart about the products you’re using on your hair. You want something that will improve the overall texture – while adding in plenty of moisture. (We like the Nioxin Styling Rejuvenating Elixir to give your hair the extra oomph it needs.)
Greying or Single White Hairs
There has always been that old wives tale that stress causes grey hairs…but is it true? Well, sort of. Stress won’t necessarily turn your hair totally grey. However, medical issues like alopecia areata can target darker hairs, causing those to fall out first – and leaving your existing greys where they are. That can make it appear as if your hair has gone grey. Ways to get around this problem? A trip to the salon to get your hair professionally dyed, reduced stress levels, and a healthy diet.
It’s time to stop stressing and start taking better care of your hair. By using the right products and remembering to eat well, you can combat the symptoms of stressed out locks. And hey, remember to take a deep breath every now and again. Your hair will thank you for it!