The beehive hair style started in the 1960’s and was the first “original” hairstyle in decades and then the beehive hairdo became wildly popular.
The beehive is characterized by “big” hair that’s tall, not wide. Hair is curled, teased and sprayed into place; the higher the better. Here are some tips so you, too, can wear a big beehive hair style.

The beehive updo is originated as one of a variety of elaborately teased and lacquered versions of “big hair” that developed from earlier pageboy and bouffant styles.

Celebrity hair styles for women: beehive updo
Jenny McCarthy reached new heights with a teased modernized beehive. Her blond hair was swept off her face drawing attention to her piercing baby blues.

The actress Candace wore a classic, beehive-style updo with face-framing bangs. This is a popular updo for Round, Oval, Heart, and Triangular face shapes.

Amanda looked ultra sleek in her black beaded blazer. She finished off her look with a teased beehive that was topped with a simple headband. Product is needed for hold and shine.

If it’s a big and bold ‘do you’re after, then this might be the one. This beehive updo is teased at the roots to achieve maximum height and lift to create this modernized version of the classic beehive. The bangs are left out to soften the face and completes the over-all look brilliantly.