Pinterest invite? No longer do you have to wait in torturous agony for an invite to the wildly-addictive fashion-and-beauty-obsessed social networking site—Pinterest is now open to all. Woot! Follow hairstylesweekly Pinterest now, and get the latest new trendy hair style pictures!

The site posted the following announcement on its blog earlier this afternoon:
Today we’re thrilled to announce open registration!
For those of you who haven’t joined Pinterest yet, this means you can sign up without waiting for an invite: all you have to do is go to Pinterest.com to get started. In addition to using your Facebook or Twitter login, we’re also opening registration so you can sign up with just your email address.
We’re really excited to have the capacity to offer Pinterest to more people and if you’re a Pinner with friends who’ve been waiting on the sidelines, we hope you’ll let them know. Happy pinning to everyone!
If you haven’t yet—check out our boards on Pinterest! And while you’re at it, you can find us on Facebook, Twitter.