Latest popular long blonde hairstyles for girls: loose side braided hair styles
This is one of the most popular hairstyle this season, a lot girls love and sport this sexy look. Free and relaxed, yet lightly restrained, Taylor Swift rocks a loose braid which accentuates the wavy texture of her long, shiny hair.
Featuring hair parted on the far right, Taylor’s hair is gently swept over her left shoulder where a loose braid begins and continues to mid-chest length where it is secured with a pale-colored elastic. Escaping wavy strands add to the soft, comfortable feel of this hairdo. A black, long-sleeved jacket with a single button and a white blouse with black horizontal stripes provide a subtle contrast to the casual braid. A simple cameo on a chain finishes the look.
If you still don’t have any ideas what hair style to choose for tonight’s party or dating, just try this romantic loose side braid hairstyle!