Who would have guessed that the traditional styles attributed to Swiss milkmaids, would become the epitome of trendy urban sophistication!
But look again – because this fantastic re-working of a traditional style constantly surprises and delights in its complexity and cleverly judged contrasts!
The theme is asymmetry and this is immediately evident in the very different side profiles. One side has a pretty braid from the top of the head moving down to behind the ear and the other profile reveals a smooth curved line off the face ending in a twisted strand.
The back is cleverly twisted and arranged into messy ‘love-knots’, with spiky strands of hair sticking out in sharp contrast to the smooth crown above. The lovely shades of golden blonde accentuate the exciting movement in the edgy twists and turns and the contrasting brown roots complete the image of contemporary chic beautifully! Do you love this updo? Find more chignons here on hairstyles weekly.