Curly hair is dramatic, beautiful, fun, and sexy, but it can also be a major hassle to take care of—and an even bigger hassle to style. It is easy for curly hair to end up looking messy and disheveled rather than stylish and attractive. If you follow some simple tips and tricks, however, you can rest assured that your curly hair will be manageable and beautiful.

Easy Up-Do
If you don’t have a lot of time, simply pull your hair up in a ponytail and let your curls fall naturally. If you need something a bit more elegant, a chignon secured with fashion chopsticks and with a few curls hanging loose by your face is effortless but sophisticated.
Prepare at Night
Curly hair can be difficult, but it is also resilient. One great way to save yourself time and frustration while you are trying to get ready in the morning is to do most of your styling at night, then twist your hair up into a bun and cover it with a satin head wrap. The next morning all you will have to do is release the bun and run your fingers through your hair to revive the curl. If they are still looking a bit listless, spritz your hair with water to reactivate any styling products that you used to prepare your curls.
To increase your curl at night, braid it either in one big braid or several smaller braids. This is best done at night because braids take some time to set into curls and waves, and the best time to let this happen is while you are sleeping! When you wake up all you need to do is take out the braids and lightly fluff out your curls.
Protect Your Curls

Styling your hair at night is a great way to get your hair style-ready effortlessly, but it can also put your hair at risk of damage. Most people sleep on a cotton pillow case, but this fabric tends to be rather rough on hair, especially curly hair, and can cause it to frizz, break, and become dull and tangled. To prevent this from happening either wrap your hair in a satin scarf, wear a satin head wrap, or simply switch over to a satin pillowcase. The satin is much smoother than cotton and will let your hair slide across the surface without getting breakage. Find more styling tips on hairstylesweekly.com