The Homecoming and Prom styles here might be a bit on the tricky side, but they can be done at home- you might want to get a partner to help you with these.
Begin with freshly washed hair, which has been towel dried-apply holding product, such as gel or mousse. Work product through to ends to distribute evenly. Allow to dry naturally or under a hood dryer.

Begin with making a deep side part, over the outer corner of one eye. Make a two-three inch wide section parallel to your face, running from the side part you just made, to just in front of your ear. Pull rest of hair back and begin braiding. Here is where some imagination comes in; you can do multiple small braids, multiple braids of various sizes, some braids and some curls etc. All this will be pulled up into the crown area and woven into a bun /or cascade, this will be what forms the Up-do. Once you are done with preparing the back to go up into the Up-do, begin putting a very loose French braid in the section you made in the front, working toward the back. Work the end of this braid into the Up-do as well. Now work all of the braids etc. into a work of art! Trust in your instincts and you will do fine-if you don’t like the way something looks take it down and move it. Some strands will fall out, which is fine; curl them for a romantic look. When you have everything just as you want it, add hair jewelry or flowers across the top as you would a headband. To finish, spray all with medium to extra hold hairspray. A trial run, with this or any special occasion style is always a good idea-this way when the day of the event comes, you will already be familiar with what you want your hair to look like.

Begin by using a medium barrel curling iron or medium to large hot rollers, roll hair until all is curled. Make a shallow center part of approximately two-inches. From end of part, create a two-inch section on both sides of part down to just in front of ears. Brush rest of hair into low ponytail and make a low chignon, leaving some curls to flow down back. Curl the sections you created in front randomly to create romantic curls around the face. Add hair jewelry, decorative chopsticks or flowers to dress up this ultra feminine Up-do.

For this retro homecoming Up-do, begin by making a shallow two-inch part beginning in hairline on right side of forehead. Place large ringlets all over head with a medium or large barrel curling iron. Spray lightly with hairspray and allow to dry completely. Using photo above for reference, begin on left side of part in front and make a wave or curl and pin with a bobby pin, directing toward back of head. Do the same with next strand, taking care to cover previous bobby pin before pinning this strand-continue to back of head, keeping the loops, waves, or curls loose as in photo. Brush hair from right side of part in front over crown toward left side of head bringing everything around toward left shoulder, and secure. Make a loose French braid of this section, when braid is complete; use it to make a bun at the nape on left side. Pin any loose curls into style hiding the bobby pins within the other hair strands. Curl any stray hair strands around face or around edges of Up-do, spray all with medium to extra hold hairspray. For a more formal look, add hair jewelry or flowers.