My hair and I have had a rough year together. It keeps standing by me, even though I haven’t been the best to it. December was fun, and we went for some blonde and red. My hair loved it’s new colors, and I loved it too! But I quickly grew bored, and went to have it dyed black with a purple sheen in February. My hair loved it’s new color, and felt pretty fly, but it was getting a little perturbed with my fickle ways.
But still, my hair didn’t complain. Then I bleached the bottom 2/3 of my hair and dyed it purple in March. This is when my hair first started to let me know it was getting fed up with me. I could see the signs of protest: It was feeling brittle, it would act up and not lay down the way I had placed it. It started getting split ends and being generally somewhat unruly.

But I didn’t stop! I had a job interview in April, so I dyed all of that purpley bleachy part of my hair black, just dumping the dye on top of it. That was when my hair rebelled. It pulled a Kafkaesque transformation and morphed into straight up doll hair. Fried, dry, sad, and generally kinda gross looking, my hair was FED UP. A peek at my wild hair color ride
All this time I’d been dying it, I’d also been heat styling it, and my hair went on strike. It was having nothing else to do with me until I repaired it, and who could blame it, really? My hair needed some sweet affection, some dedicated time, and so I committed to make it whole again. And it worked! It’s now the end of May/beginning of June, and my hair is back to it’s old jovial self again! So if you’re in a similar situation and your train wreck hair seems beyond repair, don’t sweat it!
You can turn that train around! Here’s how I did it:
1. Oil those tresses every day. Every.Day. Every day! Just do it! Work this into your routine either in the morning or night, whenever it’s convenient for you. Oiling your hair will help it stay smooth and shiny and give it some hydration.
2. Use a hair repair or other moisturizing hair mask once a week. The deep conditioning will work wonders at getting the ends to calm down and will also make your hair feel soft and smooth again.
Here are some of my favorite oils and masks to get you going!
1. Moroccanoil Treatment is my go-to oil. It’s kinda pricey, but I’ve been using the same bottle for a little over two years. My hair is about shoulder blade length, and a dime sized amount of this does the trick. Bonus points for having a smell I can’t get enough of!
2. Mizani Supreme Oil is great because rather than just chillin’ like a villain on the surface of your hair, Mizani penetrates the shaft and moisturizes from within. It is stealthy, working from the inside out!
3. It’s a 10 Miracle Leave-In Product Plus Keratin is perfect for all you Productive Pattys and Pauls out there! Spray it on, comb it through, and walk out the door. It’s so easy to get down with this leave-in conditioning treatment!
4. Wella Enrich Moisturizing Treatment for Coarse Hair is ideal for dry and damaged hair that is also thick. This product gets used in place of your conditioner and sits on your head for about 10-15 glorious, self-pampering, hair-repairing minutes.
What about you? Has it been a rough year for your hair? What are your favorite masks and oils? Anybody else out there not seen their natural hair color since 1996? Meet me in the comments and talk to me about it!