Latest new short sleek blonde bob hairstyle with side swept bangs for African American Women
Need a new fresh look? Tired of curly hairstyles? Here is a great one for you! Since NeNe Leakes literally makes money off having a big personality, it is no wonder that she makes sure that her hair says as much as her mouth does!
NeNe dyes her naturally dark hair and radiant and becoming blond, complimenting her chocolate brown skin tone and coal eyes. Because dying black or extremely dark hair blond can be damaging and difficult, it is recommended that you go to a professional stylist who will choose type of dye that is right for your hair type. The stylist may also recommend hair products that will help you to retain your golden locks for as long as possible.
There is no need to always wear black hair for African American ladies, also you can wear blonde hair! Straight hair!