Growing out your hair can be frustrating. It is hard to see progress in hair growth since it is already a slow process, and waiting months on end to finally get the results you want can be quite annoying! Play up the waiting game to your full advantage – take charge and use these tips to speed up the lengthy process of acquiring length!

1. Herb it up!
Take a more natural route to getting those stubborn locks growing faster. The How-To Hair Girl suggests 4 herbs in particular that will stimulate your strands –
(1) Hibiscus is perfect to reverse sloth-like hair growth, as it is already known to be a great stimulator.
(2) Lavender is not only stimulating, but also healing to the scalp and hair. Use this to make a head of fine hair more full!
(3) Burdock root is another long-known growth stimulator which contains Vitamin A and many fatty acids – which we know are necessary to healthy hair growth.
(4) Kelp will keep the hair that you have already grown shielded against breakage. It is a natural strengthener for the hair.
2. Hey there, Hydration

Proper hydration is one of the most overlooked secret pathways to long, strong, healthy hair. The simple act of hydrating your body, skin, and hair will promote hair growth and prevent dryness and breakage. The problem is that many people do not know how much water they are actually supposed to drink in a day, and only about 20% of daily hydration is acquired through food. Try out these two hydration calculators to determine your ideal water intake:
(1) http://nutrition.about.com/library/blwatercalculator.htm
(2) http://beverageinstitute.org/us/hydration-calculator/
3. Get Exercising

Having trouble finding the motivation to get your workout in today? Well here is your motivation – long beautiful hair! Simply getting blood pumping through your body and circulation through your scalp and around hair follicles is conducive to growth. While you are exercising, keep your hair under control with one of these styles.
4. Rub for Length
Have you ever been told to massage your head to make your hair grow longer? Well, much like exercising, massaging increases circulation and blood flow to the target area. Massaging your scalp will bring blood to the area and stimulate hair growth!
5. Get a little dirty
Washing your hair every day depletes the hair and scalp of natural oils which keep it strong, hydrated, and growing. Instead, wash your hair every other day or once every three days – your scalp may need a couple weeks to get used to this new schedule. Use a dry shampoo if your hair starts looking greasy. Our favorite is KMS Hair Play!
6. Switch up that brush!
Invest in a wide tooth comb (this is a relatively inexpensive item to pick up and it will make a world of difference!) When combing through wet hair, a wide tooth comb is ideal. Start with combing the ends and gradually work your way up. It will not create as much breakage as a normal brush. Take a peek at these 12 tips on other easy ways to avoid breakage and split ends.
Hopefully this helps you push a little further along the path to long, strong, healthy hair!