Classic Beehive updo with Ribbon Headband
Here’s another fabulous retro-1950’s up-do creatively updated for a casual look that’s super-trendy!
The asymmetrical long fringe is side-swept to cover the ear, leaving a long loose strand for a touch of fashionable untidiness. On the top, the hair was back-combed for increased volume and then pinned into a fantastic high chignon creating a sophisticated profile for every angle!
Then the sides were smoothed back and folded into a French pleat at the back leaving cute, messy wisps at the nape. This super-cool hair design is brought right up to date with the beautifully harmonised mixture of blonde shades contrasting with the edgy dark roots.
The wonderful untidy swirl of hair at the back of the crown and the lovely fluid movement of the lines are beautifully accentuated by the expert colouring technique. And the attractive grey and black ribbon adds a final touch of contemporary Boho style!
Find more beehive updos here.